Thursday, June 26, 2014

10 Best Drinks That Will Help in Weight Loss

10 Best Drinks That Will Help in Weight Loss


10 Best Drinks That Will Help in Weight Loss

People try to control their weight by controlling the food they eat. It is not only the food that you eat cause weight gain but, you have to watch what you are drinking if you want to lose weight.  Though we think the fruit juices and energy drinks are healthy for our body, many of them have added sugars and other additives which can affect your weight loss plan. So, it is necessary to consume drinks which are less in calories and which will boost your metabolism, if you want to reduce the body weight.

Top Weight Loss Drinks

The following are the top drinks that will help you to stay fit and healthy and to reduce your excess weight.

1.    Vegetable Juices

Vegetable juices are very helpful in reducing weight. Eating raw vegetables, especially vegetables with fiber, aids in weight loss. But, by consuming vegetable juices, you will be able to feel fuller easily. You will also get all the necessary fibers, nutrients from the vegetable juices.
  • Regular consumption of fresh fiber rich vegetable juices will reduce food cravings and you will never feel like eating heavily as it will easily fill your stomach.

2.    Grape Juice

Grape juice is considered to be a natural ingredient that is loaded with Vitamin C and it will help in increasing the metabolism of the body. It is a very good detoxifier and is found to be very effective for the liver. The sour tasting sweet grapes in liquid form will help you to reduce weight as well.
  •   Take a small bunch of black grapes, wash it properly and then blend the grapes in a blender to extract grape juice.
  •   You can drink this juice as it is or can even dilute it with a little bit of water.
  •   Drinking grape juice every day in the morning during breakfast will help with weight loss.

3.    Green Tea

One of the most effective drinks that you can think of whenever it comes to reducing excess weight is green tea. It is loaded with antioxidants and also offers metabolism boosters. The green herbal tea is a very effective natural ingredient that will help in weight loss. You can drink hot or chilled green tea and make sure that you do not add sugar to it.
  •   Boil a glass of water and then add a teaspoon of green tea into it. Let it simmer for a few minutes.
  •   Strain the green tea and drink it hot. Repeat this once in the morning and evening every day to enjoy weight loss.
  •   You can also sip cold green tea in the morning and evening to enjoy quick fat burn that will help in effective weight loss.


6 Amazing Remedies to Prevent Urinary Tract Infection

6 Amazing Remedies to Prevent Urinary Tract Infection


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6 Amazing Remedies to Prevent Urinary Tract Infection

6 Amazing Remedies to Prevent Urinary Tract Infection

If you are a woman, particulary a sexually active woman, you have all the chances to catch urinary tract infection- more than anyone else. It’s not that men do not get urinary tract infection but women are the highest risk group for this particular infection. And why? Bacteria like E. coli usually live in the bowel and pass into the urethra (the duct through which urine is passed out of the body) causing UTI. In women, urethra is smaller and closer to the anus from where the bacteria can travel to urethra more easily and cause infection. Some other conditions like diabetes, bowel incontinence, kidney stones, immobility, reduced intake of fluids, as well as pregnancy may be the causes for urinary tract infection. During intercourse, if proper cleanliness is not maintained by the partners, germs may easily find way into the urinary tract. For this reason only, UTI is also referd to as ‘honeymoon cystitis’.

Are Home Remedies Sufficient to Treat Urinary Tract Infection?

When the bacteria, virus, germs etc. have already caught hold of your urinary tract and are thriving there, you cannot, in fact, rely purely on home remedies. Home remedies are effective only when you catch the symptoms early, just when infection is about to happen. At that time, if you are able to prevent the bacteria from spreading and multiplying, you may avoid visiting a physician. However, any urinary infection that is two days old should be checked by your doctor for proper diagnosis of the type of bacteria and the administration of required drugs. Once you suffer from UTI, you become prone to such infection and there is high chance that you will get this infection again for the second time. It is here when home remedies come to your rescue. You can prevent urinary tract infection from recurring through various home and herbal remedies. So, if you notice such symptoms as burning or painful sensation while urination, urge to urinate frequently though passing too little urine everytime, cloudy or blood-tinged urine along with pain above the pubic bone, just don’t ignore them and immediately go to your doctor. If left untreared, UTI can lead to serious kidney damage. Once your infection is cured you can then take all precautions and follow these home remedies so that you do not suffer from UTI again.

Home Remedies for Urinary Tract Infection

There are certain food items and herbs that you can use as home remediesfor UTI. However, the most important thing to prevent it is maintainance of proper hygiene and cleanliness. These are in fact the most important remedies. So, have a look at the Do’s and Don’ts for Urinary Tract Infection

Keep yourself clean; follow these rules

These can be called hygiene rules for those who are prone to Urinary Tract Infection.

  • Don’t ever suppress urge to urinate. This way, you are holding up the bacteria and not allowing them to pass out of your body. This may lead to infection.
  • After urinating, always wipe from front to back. When you do it from back to front, you increase the chances of anus bacteria come in contact with your urethera.
  • Whenever you go to toilet, wash your hands. This not only prevents UTI but keeps you healthy in general. If your hands get dirty due to fecal matter, wash them again before you wipe again. The fecal bacteria cause 80 to 95 percent of urinary infections.
  • Avoid washing your genital area with fragrant soaps and other lotions. Also avoid using deodorants as they destroy your body’s natural protective barrier and make you prone to infection.
  • Always wear cotton underwear and they should not be too tight. Keep them dry because moist environment promote bacteria growth.
  • Before and after sexual intercourse, always urinate and wash your private parts. Using condoms is a better way than using a diaphragm. Do not douche. Also, its better to consider alternatives for spermicides. Douching and spermicides, both can irritate your delicate tissue around urethra and raise the chances of infection.
  • During menstrual periods, use sanitary napkins instead of tampons. Frequently change napkins during the day.
  • Drink lots of water as a rule, not only to avoid UTI but also to keep your body functioning at its best.
  • Avoid having too hot, sour, or spicy foods.
  • Move your body, exercise daily at least for 30-40 minutes. Being physically active will boost your immunity and you will be lesser prone to any kind of infection.

Use baking soda to stop spreading infection

As soon as you realize that you may get urinary tract infection, have baking soda. It neutralizes acid in your urine.
• Take half teaspoon of baking soda.
• Add this to a cup of water.
• Drink it.
This remedy also makes you comfortable while you pass urine by making the process less painful. Don’t have too much of baking soda though. It is not good for your intestine.

Use magical herb cinnamon to combat infection

The very common cinnamon herb’s powder is powerful enough to kill those E. coli bacteria causing your UTI. A study carried out in Germany has showed that cinnamon can actually kill this bacteria. You just have to make tea out of this magical herb and have it for 3-4 times a day.

You will need:

• Cinnamon powder- ½ to ¾ teaspoon
• Warm water- 1 cup


• Take warm water in a cup.
• Add cinnamon powder to it and mix well.
• Drink it.
• While drinking this tea, keep a spoon ready with you to stir the tea occasionally because if your’s is a true herb, the cinnamon will not blend easily with the water. You’ll need to stir and mix it often till you finish the drink.
If you are using cinnamon tea to prevent UTI, its enough to drink this tea once a day but if your infection has already set in, have 3-4 cups of it daily.
 Warning: Cinnamon can stop or delay menstruation. Thus you may skip one or even two periods if you regularly consume cinnamon in such high quantities. In fact, in ancient Egypt, this herb had been used as a contraceptive. So, if you are planning to conceive or you are already pregnant, avoid using this remedy for UTI because it can also induce labor. Also do not apply this remedy on kids below two years of age. When giving this tea to older kids and people above 65 years of age, use low quantities of cinnamon initially.

Make Marshmallow root tea

It will sooth your urinary system. And what’s more, marshmallow root is safe for everyone including babies and pregnant women. You can have it as much as you like, even up to 5-8 cups a day if you have a real bad and painful bladder. This herb has demulcent, emollient, and diuretic properties. It not only helps in soothing the inflamed and irritated tissues of your bladder but is also helps to nourish these tissues. It also works by increasing the acidity of your urine thus inhibiting bacterial growth. When combined with other diuretic herbs, marshmallow root can treat kidney and bladder inflammations as well as kidney stones. It also stops bleeding, if any, in the urine. You may make marshmallow tea with cold infusion method to get pure extract of its mucilage.
Remedies to Prevent Urinary Tract Infection
Image: Flickr by Nina Nelson

You will need:

• Marsmallow root – enough to fill ¼ of the jar you’ll use
• Lukewarm water
• A jar with lid


• Place the marshmallow root in th jar to fill ¼ of it.
• Add the lukewarm water to fill the whole jar.
• Cover with lid and leave it overnight. If not overnight, it should be left to soak at least for 4 hours.
• In the morning, strain the thick and viscous golden yellow and somewhat brownish water.
• Have this tea through out the day to soothe your bladder.
Marshmallow tea not only gives you comfort when you suffer from Urinary Tract Infection but is also one of the many good remedies for heartburn.

Take help from coriander powder

This is an Ayurvedic remedy for your urinary tract infection- using the common spice coriander or cilantro. Ayurveda says that excessive heat of body and high pitta dosha are responsible for burning sensation while urinating. While you should not have too hot and spicy foods, this spice coriander, having cool properties, can definitely help you a lot. You can use coriander seeds to make tea, optionally adding cumin and fennel seeds too. This will become a very good anti-inflammatory and digestive beverage that will eliminate the burning sensation whilr urinating. Alternatively, you can use coriander the Ayurveda way.

You will need:

• Coriander seeds powder- 3 tablespoons
• Rock candy powder (or unrefined sugar)- 1 tablespoon
• Water- 3 cups
• Earthen pot (preferable but optional)


• Take 3 cups of water in the vessel.
• Add coriander and rock candy powder.
• Mix well.
• Leave it to soak overnight.
• Next day, again stir the solution to mix it well if the powder settles down.
• Drink 1 cup each for three times a day.

Get yourself cranberry juice

While cranberry juice cannot treat your UTI, it can definitely prevent the infection by stopping E.coli bacteria from adhering to the urinary bladder lining and urethra. The pure unsweetened juice of cranberries, thus, don’t kill the bacteria but block them from lodging. When you urinate, the bacteria gets flushed away. You should have 50 – 150 ml of pure cranberry juice everyday. If you prefer to dilute your juice, increase its quantity. However, you should be ready for the side effects of cranberry juice. It may hamper the workings of your regular medications that you take for UTI and may also give rise to kidney stones. As soon as you have more than three liters of this juice in a day,you may suffer from diarrhea. Also, this juice is not that effective for men.


Ultimate Yoga Poses to Get Rid of Back Fat

Ultimate Yoga Poses to Get Rid of Back Fat
While there’s no miracle move to diminish back bulge, it’s still important to strengthen and tone the muscles in that area of the body. As you begin to lose weight from all the cardio you’re doing, you’ll reveal slim, chiseled muscles waiting underneath. Here are nine yoga poses that will target all the areas of your back.

Side Fierce

What it works: Glutes, quads, and upper back

  • Stand with your feet together. Inhale to bend your knees and lower your hips as you raise your arms overhead, coming into Fierce Pose. Exhale to cross your right elbow over to your outer left knee. Press your palms together and actively push your bottom elbow against your thigh to lift and rotate your chest up, increasing the twist. Pull your right hip back slightly, making sure both knees are parallel.
  • Stay for five breaths in Side Fierce, then inhale as you press into your feet and lift your torso, rising back into Fierce pose. Exhale to cross your left elbow over your right outer knee, holding for another five breaths on this side.

Warrior 3

What it works: Back and shoulders

  • Stand at the front of your mat with both feet together. Shift weight into your left leg and kick your right leg behind you, balancing with your torso parallel to the floor. Extend your arms straight in front of you.
  • Draw your navel toward your spine and hold Warrior 3 for five breaths.

Half Moon

What it works: Back and sides of the torso

  • Begin in Downward Facing Dog. Step your right foot forward between your hands, and rise up into Warrior 1. Then open your hips, arms, and chest into Warrior 2 Pose.
  • Place your left hand on your left hip and stretch your right arm straight out, creating length through the right side of your body. Shift weight into your right foot, and lift your left foot up. Plant your right palm flat on the ground under your shoulder. Bend your right knee or use a block if your hamstring is tight.
  • Try to distribute your weight evenly between your right hand and foot. Look down at the ground and bring your left arm straight up. When you’re ready, look up toward your left hand.
  • Hold for five breaths, then try Half Moon on the left side.

Monday, June 23, 2014

11 Quick Remedies for Puffy Eye Bags

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11 Quick Remedies for Puffy Eye Bags

Are you tired of people reminding you about your tired eyes? If yes, this is the right place for you cause you will find some fabulous home remedies for your puffy eyes and those under eye bags. I’ll tell you about some quick fixes, the tips to quickly diminish the eye bags for sometime. These will help you when you are in a hurry to step out or for the unplanned parties thrown by your friends. I’ll also tell you about some permanent solutions for your puffy eyes- such remedies that will really make your eye bags vanish forever. However, these remedies do take time to show results. But then, you always have to be patient when you are up to a challenging task!

Quick Fixes to Diminish Under Eye Bags

Use these quick remedies to make your tired droopy eyes charming and full of life.

1. Splash Face with Cold Water

Sometimes, it only needs a splash of cold water on your eyes and face. Most of the times, the puffs under eyes form due to faulty fluid circulation within your face. A splash with cold water constrict the blood vessels and starts the fluid circulation thus reducing swelling in no time. You can even put some ice in water to make it really cold. However, beware! Don’t apply this extremely cold water to the skin around your eyes more than a couple of seconds!
2. Spoon Remedy for Eye Bags
Teaspoons are not only for having food and for measuring spices while cooking (or writing a recipe) but it is also a very effective and fast remedy to make your eye bags disappear, even if temporarily. You just have to cool off the spoons, close your eyes and place the cold spoons with curved side down on your closed eyes. There are various ways, however, to make your magic spoon cold:
  • Place 6-8 spoons in refrigerator and when they get very cold, take them out. Place two spoon on your both the closed eyes. When they get warm, use the next two cold spoons and so on.
  • Put a lots of ice cubes in a bowl filled with water and place 4 spoons in it. Take out two spoons when they are cold enough for purpose. Place them on closed eyes. When they come to normal temperature, put them again in the cold water’s bowl and take out the other two spoons. Now place these two spoon on your eyes. When warm change the spoons. Keep on doing till you see your eye puffs gone.

3. Treat Eye Bags with Chilled Tea Bags

A bag for another bag. That’s the remedy for your puffy eye bags when you are in a hurry.
  • Take ice cold water in a cup.
  • Dip two tea bags in it and take them out.
  • Squeeze the tea bags.
  • Lie down and close your eyes.
  • Place the two chilled tea bags on your eyes. You can use black tea, chamomile or green tea bags. The caffeine tea helps constrict blood vessels to reduce swelling around eyes while the anti-irritants in herbal teas reduce redness and inflammation.
  • Let the tea bags sit on your eyes for the time they attain normal temperature.
  • Dip them again in the cold water and repeat the steps.
  • Do for as long as you can not exceeding half an hour.
Your eyes would get relaxed and rejuvenated and the eye bags will get diminished due to the natural anti-inflammatory properties of the tea.

4. Tighten your Eye Skin with Egg White

When the skin under your eyes swell, they loosen up to make your eye bags look much larger than what they are. The remedy lies in making this skin tight. Use egg white for this.
  • Take an egg and separate its white portion in a bowl.
  • Beat this egg white till it gets stiff.
  • Take a brush (or use your fingers) and apply this stiff egg white around your eyes.
  • Leave it for about 15-20 minutes till it dries up.
  • Now wash your face with cold water.
This remedy instantly makes the area around your eyes tighter which looks way too lesser puffy.

5. Put Soothing Cucumber Slices on Eyes

Open your fridge to get rid of eye bags in only 30 minutes! Take out that chilled cucumber from the vegetable basket and cut it into roundels. Take two slices and put back the rest of them in the fridge. Now place these cucumber slices on your eyes and relax. Let them be there for the time till they get warmed. Now take two slice out of the fridge and repeat. The astringent properties of cucumber makes your blood vessels constrict to diminish the eye bags.

6. Pamper Your Eyes with Potatoes

The anti-inflammatory starch of this very popular vegetable all over the world makes it a good remedy for reducing puffiness under eyes. You can use potatoes for diminishing eye bags in various ways.
  • Cut a potato in round slices and place two slices on both of your eyes. Leave them for 15-20 minutes and wash with cold water.
  • Peel and grate two potatoes and squeeze to get potato juice. Dip two cotton balls in this juice and keep them on eyes for 20-25 minutes. Remove and wash off with cold water.
  • Peel and grate finely two potatoes. You can even grind them after cutting in pieces to get a paste like consistency. Take two clean cloths and place the potato pulp or paste in these clothes to prepare poultice. Close your eyes and place the poultice on your eyes. Let them be there for 15 minutes after which remove them and wash off with cold water.

7. Gently Massage around Eyes with Hands

This is perhaps the easiest home remedy for reducing eye puffs. Puffiness under eyes are caused by excessive fluids that get trapped around your eyes. When you gently massage the area around your eyes, you help displace the trapped fluid and make it go away from under the eyes. Massage light the right way:
  • Close your eyes and lightly press the ring finger under your eye.
  • Move your finger in arc shape from inside corner of your eye towards outside.
  • Make 10-15 rounds. Be gentle enough because eyes are very sensitive organs.
  • Repeat the massaging movements for the other eye too.
Make it a habit to massage your eyes this way every morning before you get out of your bed.

8. Give the Eyes Salt Water Treatment

While more salt in your diet can lead to formation of eye bags, the salty warm water compress can reduce the same eye bags. Follow the below steps for this remedy.
  • Take warm water in a bowl. Ensure the water is warm and not hot.
  • Add half teaspoon of salt in this warm water and mix well.
  • Take two cotton balls and soak them in this salty warm water.
  • Close your eyes and place these cotton balls over your eyes.
  • Let them sit there till the time they get cool.
  • Soak them again in the warm water and place on eyes.
  • Repeat for at least 25-30 minutes.
  • You’ll see your puffiness under eyes diminish after this treatment.

9. Use Neti Pot- the Nasal Irrigation to Reduce Puffiness Under Eyes

Sometimes when you catch cold or are suffering from flu, allergies or sinus, fluid build up around your eye cavity leading to puffiness there. If your eye bags are due to these causes, you may like to use the ‘Neti Pot’ remedy from Ayurvedic alternative treatment system where it is called ‘Neti Kriya.’ This process is done with a pot which looks like a small teapot.
  • Take some warm water. Its temperature should be just equal to what is the temperature of milk given to infants in a bottle. Just warm.
  • Mix salt in this water. Proportion should be one teaspoon for half a liter of water.
  • Fill the neti pot with this water.
  • Gently insert the tip of the nose cone (spout) of the pot into your right nostril.
  • Tilt the head a little to the opposite side.
  • In a few seconds, the water entering from right nostril will flow out of the left nostril.
  • You may need to reposition your head to tilt it in the right angle (keep experimenting to find it) so that water flows out of the opposite nostril.
  • During the process, keep breathing calmly through your mouth.
  • Don’t even try to sniff, swallow, laugh, talk or have any movement of air through the nose while the water is flowing through your nose.
  • When the pot gets empty, there will still be some water in your nostrils. So, after removing the pot from the nostril, let this water come out of nostril keeping the head bent forward.
  • Push out the excess water out through exhaling through nose.
  • Repeat the process by inserting the spout inside the left nostril and letting the water out of right nostril
  • You may feel a little uncomfortable for the first time but there is no pain involved in the process.
  • You might also need some practice before you perfectly do neti pot process.
  • Consider learning the process from a Yoga teacher.
Net pot process clears your sinus cavity of the fluids and reduce inflammation even around the eyes reducing puffiness there. Do this process daily for best results.

10. Drink Water to Prevent Water Build-up around Eyes

When your body retains water, it results into swelling here and there including under eyes. So keep your body hydrated, drink lots of water. When your body gets deprived of water, it starts accumulating water as a defense. When you drink lots of water, it will automatically release water resulting in reduced puffiness.

11. Sleep Tight and Sleep Right

Depriving yourself of sleep will also give you eye bags. Sleep at least for 7-8 hours as per your body’s demand. Also watch for your sleeping position. Keep your head elevated when you sleep so that the fluid doesn’t build up under eyes due to gravity pull. Do not sleep on stomach, it’s better to sleep on your back for the same reason. Sleeping on sides can also make one of your eyes puffy in the morning.

Home Remedies for Black Spots on Your Face

Home Remedies for Black Spots on Your Face

Many black spots or dark patches can be easily lightened or eliminated to restore a glowing facial complexion. Dark spots, patches and other marks on the face may be due to excess secretion of melanin on the skin. Some factors that can lead to this condition include over exposure to the sun, hormone imbalance, pregnancy, certain medications, vitamin deficiencies, lack of sleep and too much stress.
Spots and patches on the face can be embarrassing and even lead to low self-esteem. Luckily, there are many possible treatments, such as acid peels and laser surgeries. Simple, natural homemade remedies also may reduce the appearance of spots and other blemishes on your face.

Home Remedies for Black Spots on Your Face

Many black spots or dark patches can be easily lightened or eliminated to restore a glowing facial complexion. Dark spots, patches and other marks on the face may be due to excess secretion of melanin on the skin. Some factors that can lead to this condition include over exposure to the sun, hormone imbalance, pregnancy, certain medications, vitamin deficiencies, lack of sleep and too much stress.
Spots and patches on the face can be embarrassing and even lead to low self-esteem. Luckily, there are many possible treatments, such as acid peels and laser surgeries. Simple, natural homemade remedies also may reduce the appearance of spots and other blemishes on your face.
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Here are top 10 home remedies for Black Spots on Face.

1. Lemon Juice

A quick and easy solution can be found in your kitchen or your nearest grocery store — lemon juice. Lemons have vitamin C that can lighten dark spots on your face. It’s easy to apply.
  1. Put some fresh lemon juice on a cotton ball and rub it directly on the affected skin area.
  2. Allow it to dry and then wash it off with plain water.
  3. Continue applying this dark spot removal home remedy for at least two weeks to get the desired result.
If you have delicate or sensitive skin, you can dilute the lemon juice with plain water, rosewater, or honey. You can also use lime juice to get rid of black spots, applying it in the same manner as described above.

2. Buttermilk

Buttermilk is also beneficial in getting rid of dark spots. Like lemon juice, it also helps fade blemishes and black spots but without causing burning sensation.
  1. Take four teaspoons of buttermilk.
  2. Add two teaspoons of fresh tomato juice.
  3. Mix the two ingredients (both have excellent bleaching properties) and then apply.
  4. Wash it off after 15 minutes.
The lactic acid in milk too, will gradually reduce skin pigmentation, and brighten and tone your overall skin complexion. So, if you do not have buttermilk, simply apply soak a cotton ball in milk and dab it directly on your spots. Leave it on for about 10 minutes and then wash it off Put milk on a cotton ball and dab it directly on your spots. Repeat this procedure twice daily for four to five weeks.
You can also prepare a solution by mixing milk and honey and apply the solution to your dark spots, leaving it on for 10 minutes.

3. Oats

Oatmeal powder is considered good for skin exfoliation. Hence, you can apply an oatmeal mask on your face and neck to remove dead skin and black spots.
  1. Grind half a cup of rolled oats.
  2. Add three to four tablespoons of lemon juice to make a paste.
  3. Scrub it on your skin and wash it off with warm water when it dries.
If it becomes messy, use a clean cloth soaked in warm water to remove the mask. Follow this treatment once or twice a week.

4. Almonds

  1. Take 8-10 almonds and soak them in milk overnight.
  2. Peel off the skin and grind the almonds in the morning.
  3. Now, add one teaspoon sandalwood powder and half a teaspoon honey in it.
  4. Mix them to make a fine paste.
  5. Apply it on your face.
  6. Leave it on for about 30 minutes and then wash it off.

5. Sandalwood

Sandalwood is another effective option.
  1. Make a thick paste of sandalwood powder, glycerin and rose water. (If you don’t have rose water, you can use milk or honey.)
  2. Apply the thick paste to the affected skin area, leaving it on for a few minutes. Wash off the paste with lukewarm water.
  3. Follow this remedy once daily until your black spots vanish completely.

6. Potato

Your vegetable drawer is another source of home remedies for black spots or dark patches. Potatoes can be applied in one of the two ways:
  • Slice up a potato and place one slice directly on the black spots; leave on for a few minutes and then wash your face with lukewarm water.
  • You can also make a face mask by combining grated potato with honey.
Some people have also had success using tomatoes to get rid of dark black spots within a few weeks.

9 Tips To Control High Blood Pressure

Control High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure is a common problem that affects lot of people. Nonetheless, there are medications that can help you in lowering your blood pressure. However, these drugs cannot cure the problem; they only help in controlling it. Nevertheless, you can cure this condition by following a healthy life style and a balanced diet. Mentioned below are a few diet changes that can help you in curing high blood pressure.

1. Fruits And Fresh Vegetables

Your diet should contain more fruits and vegetables. Start taking green and leafy vegetables like broccoli, cabbage etc. You should eat fruits like watermelon, bananas, oranges and potatoes. These fruits have a high concentration of potassium in them. This helps in controlling your blood pressure.

2. Low-Fat Diet

If you have high blood pressure, it would be helpful if you cut down on high-fat foodstuffs and dairy products. Switch to low-fat dairy items like milk, cottage cheese, yoghurt and low-fat cheese.

3. Protein-Rich Diet

Your diet should be high in protein and low in fat. In the place of red meat you should take low-fat and protein-rich items like chicken, fish and eggs.

4. Whole Grains

Avoid processed foods. Switch to a diet that consists of whole grains like oats, brown breads, cereal and pasta.

5. Beans, Seeds And Nuts

Include items like kidney beans, nuts, cannellini beans and peanut butter in your diet. This can help you in maintaining your blood pressure.

6. Healthy Oil

You should switch to healthy oils like olive oil that can help you in reducing high blood pressure. Include olive oil and low-fat margarine in your diet. These items contain omega 3 fatty acids which can help you in maintaining your blood pressure.

7. Reduce Intake Of Sugar And Alcohol

If you have high blood pressure, avoid the intake of sugar and alcohol. Also avoid taking carbonated beverages and food items that have a high concentration of trans-fat and fat. These items can raise your blood pressure as well as damage the blood vessels.

10 Best Drinks That Will Help in Weight Loss

10 Best Drinks That Will Help in Weight Loss


10 Best Drinks That Will Help in Weight Loss

People try to control their weight by controlling the food they eat. It is not only the food that you eat cause weight gain but, you have to watch what you are drinking if you want to lose weight.  Though we think the fruit juices and energy drinks are healthy for our body, many of them have added sugars and other additives which can affect your weight loss plan. So, it is necessary to consume drinks which are less in calories and which will boost your metabolism, if you want to reduce the body weight.

Top Weight Loss Drinks

The following are the top drinks that will help you to stay fit and healthy and to reduce your excess weight.

1.    Vegetable Juices

Vegetable juices are very helpful in reducing weight. Eating raw vegetables, especially vegetables with fiber, aids in weight loss. But, by consuming vegetable juices, you will be able to feel fuller easily. You will also get all the necessary fibers, nutrients from the vegetable juices.
  • Regular consumption of fresh fiber rich vegetable juices will reduce food cravings and you will never feel like eating heavily as it will easily fill your stomach.

2.    Grape Juice

Grape juice is considered to be a natural ingredient that is loaded with Vitamin C and it will help in increasing the metabolism of the body. It is a very good detoxifier and is found to be very effective for the liver. The sour tasting sweet grapes in liquid form will help you to reduce weight as well.
  •   Take a small bunch of black grapes, wash it properly and then blend the grapes in a blender to extract grape juice.
  •   You can drink this juice as it is or can even dilute it with a little bit of water.
  •   Drinking grape juice every day in the morning during breakfast will help with weight loss.

3.    Green Tea

One of the most effective drinks that you can think of whenever it comes to reducing excess weight is green tea. It is loaded with antioxidants and also offers metabolism boosters. The green herbal tea is a very effective natural ingredient that will help in weight loss. You can drink hot or chilled green tea and make sure that you do not add sugar to it.
  •   Boil a glass of water and then add a teaspoon of green tea into it. Let it simmer for a few minutes.
  •   Strain the green tea and drink it hot. Repeat this once in the morning and evening every day to enjoy weight loss.
  •   You can also sip cold green tea in the morning and evening to enjoy quick fat burn that will help in effective weight loss.
  • 4.    Yoghurt Smoothies

    Yoghurt is rich in calcium and is very effective in reducing weight. Yoghurt has the properties of burning fat easily and it is an ideal ingredient that will help your body to lower the fat production.
  •   Add about half a cup of yoghurt in your favorite smoothie and blend it in a mixer.
  •   Drink this special yoghurt smoothie once or twice a day to reduce fat deposits in your body.

5.    Water

Water is a natural health drink that will work for many ailments and it is the best known weight loss drink. It is important for you to drink about 8 to 12 glasses of water every day so that your body will flush out all the toxins in your body in the form of urine. It will also help your body to stay hydrated at all times.
  •   It is believed that cold water will help to burn more calories and it would be effective to have it with lime or honey every day to see better results.
  •   Hot water is also very effective in burning fat deposits in your body and flushing it out in the form of urine.

6.    Whey Protein

There have been studies conducted on many women that have revealed that whey protein is an effective ingredient that will help in reducing body fat in women which will in turn help in weight loss. Whey protein is high in protein and less in carbohydrates and will help in boosting the metabolism of the body.
  •   Whey protein consumption on a regular basis will help in curbing food craving in men and women.
  •   It will also help in controlling the appetite for over two hours.

7.    Coconut Water

One of the natural and energized drinks that you will come across on this planet is tender coconut water. It will help in boosting your metabolism and is loaded with electrolytes. It is normally suggested drink for people suffering from stomach problems and ulcers.
  •   Drinking one to two glasses of coconut water everyday will provide all the necessary energy boost that you need for an entire day.
  •   It will help in speeding the metabolism and also helps in flushing out all the toxins produced in your body.

8.    Black Coffee

Black coffee is also considered to be a very effective drink that will help in reducing weight effectively. It is an effective drink that will help in boosting the metabolism of your body as it raises the body temperature easily. It will help in reducing your hunger and to suppress it for a long time.
  •   Drinking two cups of black coffee without adding sugar everyday will help in reducing your excess body weight after a few weeks.